サイトアイコン TechWave(テックウェーブ)


 問題の特許は2006年8月11日に、Facebookの創業者のMark Zuckerberg氏らが申請したもので、イメージ図を見る限りにおいては、Twitterを初め、Google Buzzや、日本のAmebaなう、Greeなどにも該当しそう。今後専門家の見解などの続報が出るのを待って、情報を追加していきたい。



A method for displaying a news feed in a social network environment is described. The method includes generating news items regarding activities associated with a user of a social network environment and attaching an informational link associated with at least one of the activities, to at least one of the news items, as well as limiting access to the news items to a predetermined set of viewers and assigning an order to the news items. The method further may further include displaying the news items in the assigned order to at least one viewing user of the predetermined set of viewers and dynamically limiting the number of news items displayed.


