[もっと読む…] about emacsだけで書上げた書籍…翔泳社「ツイッター情報収集術」のつくり方(2) 執筆環境編 【増田(maskin)真樹】
[もっと読む…] about emacsだけで書上げた書籍…翔泳社「ツイッター情報収集術」のつくり方(2) 執筆環境編 【増田(maskin)真樹】
「ソーシャルな力で個人のお金の流れを変えてしまおう」。それがInfinity Venture SummitのLaunch Padで2位に入賞したAQUSH(アクシュ)の考えだ。
いよいよ本日15日から予約開始といわれる「iPhone 4.0」。最大のウリはなんといっても解像度が4倍の960×640ピクセルとなり“人間の網膜が視認できる300 ppiを超えた326ppi”の「Retina Display」だ。
どんなにすごいものか。実物を見たアメリカのRobert Scobleさんいわく「こんなすごいの見たことないっす」とのこと。しかも、彼は高解像度の写真を撮影してくれたのだ。
[もっと読む…] about iPhone 4.0 のディスプレイは肉眼で見る以上にシャープだった(接写)【増田(maskin)真樹】
6月11日に札幌で開催されたInfinity Venture SummitのLaunch Padで、独立行政法人産業技術研究所の技術スタッフ、吉崎航さんの「V-Sido(ブシドー) for Smartphone」という技術が優勝した。これはスマートフォンの画面タッチで、ロボットを簡単に操作する技術。既に商品化の計画も進んでいるらしく、iPhoneで操作できるロボットが店頭に並ぶ日も近そうだ。
[もっと読む…] about iPhoneでロボット操作=V-Sido(ブシドー) for Smartphone【湯川】
6月10日、11日の両日に札幌で開催されたInfinity Venture Summitを取材しました。今回はustreamの録画もあり、コンテンツ満載です。
written by Tsuruaki Yukawa
Bloger in Chief of TechWave
On June 8, Gree Corporation got listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Before that day, the company which operates one of the three biggest social networking services in Japan had been listed in the Mothers Section of the Exchange, which is a market of the high-growth and emerging stocks. The company also plans to move to a much bigger office in Roppongi Hills, a luxurious high rise in the heart of downtown Tokyo. Asked why the company decieded to be listed in the First Section of the Exchange, Yoshikazu Tanaka comments, “Whatever happens in the future, we want to be able to raise capital easily.” On the reason for the move of its headquarters, “To the company to grow from 500 to 1000 employees” says Tanaka. In other words, he aims to grow his company from the 100 or so employees to several times its current size in one stroke.
When asked for the reason for raising more capital and increasing the scale of their operations, Tanaka replied “It’s a secret.” Naoki Aoyanagi, CFO at Gree said, “The key point here is ‘global'”. In the fields of mobile technology and gaming, Japan leads the world in providing content and distribution platform. From listening to Tanaka and Aoyanagi, it seems that a specific strategic plan already exists. Gree seems poised to take a large gamble in the near future.
[もっと読む…] about Gree Betting on Global Expansion = Are They Harboring a Secret Strategy?
Written by Masaki Masuda (@maskin)
On May 13th, during their second quarter earnings briefing, Dwango reported that Nico Nico Douga turned a profit during the last quarter.
Immediately after the briefing began, the official Twitter account, @nico_news, broke the news with the tweet “Nico Nico Douga kuro ji ka now” (Nico Nico Douga profitable now). While some users questioned whether or not the 4/1 tweet was simply an April Fool’s joke, speculations soon calmed once the briefing began to air. It was explained that an increase in Premium memberships had contributed to the company’s profits.
[もっと読む…] about Nico Nico Douga profitable “now” January-March 2010
written by Tsuruaki Yukawa
Bloger in Chief of TechWave
”You can say that last year’s Mixi open strategy was a relatively small in scale compared to the one that we’re going to present this year.” – Akinori Harada, Mixi Inc.’s No.2 executive. Last year, Mixi, the largest SNS in Japan, annouced an open strategy for third party developers so that they can create games and apps for the Mixi platform.
The official announcement of the New Open Strategy is planned at a conference that is scheduled for August, but three themes have been temporarily decided. The first is the Media/Device Platform. They will not clarify the details until the official announcement.
The second is the Social Support Platform. At the Infinity Venture Summit (IVS) which was held by an independent venture capital firm Infinity Venture Partners at Sapporo the other day, Mixi executives demonstrated a plan to release Mixi’s information to other web sites, and to publish a technical specification called the Mixi API that will allow posting to Mixi from outside web sites.
Written by Yukari Mitsuhashi (@yukari77)
I took part in the Tokyo-camp Startup Meeting vol.5 Location & AR session. Well-known CEO of Tonchidot Corporation, Takahito Iguchi of “Sekai Camera” made the keynote speech. Other speakers included geo-location gaming pioneer like gumi’s Hironao Kunimitsu. The whole event was thrilling, making us feel the era of location-based services has come. I was able to imagine how these geo-location services would play a part in our daily lives, hopefully in the near future. Here’s the summary of the keynote given by Iguchi of Tonchidot Corp., who essentially used business plan document as his presentation material. He told us a lot about where “Sekai Camera” is headed.
本当にHTML5とその周辺技術は、FLASHと対等に戦うことができるのか? 史上最大の対決が始まった。